Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Overview of Follow the Yellow Brick Road:
A Harvard Psychologist’s Guide to Becoming a Superstar
By M. S. White, Ph.D., J.D.
Hidden within each of us is a superstar waiting to come alive.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road shows you how to bring your inner superstar to life.

The book is based on Dr. White’s research into how over 60 ordinary people became superstars. This research was inspired by the following questions:
· How did Oprah, born to a single parent in a poor Mississippi community, become the world’s leading talk show host?
· How did Lance Armstrong, raised by a divorced mother in a small Texas town, become an international bicycle racing star and win the Tour de France seven times?
· How did Margaret Thatcher, the daughter of a green grocer in a small English town, become Britain’s first female prime minister?
· How did Sam Walton turn a small country general store in Arkansas into Walmart, a billion dollar enterprise?
· How did Richard Branson who is dyslexic create the Virgin empire?
What Dr. White learned is that people who become superstars follow the same “yellow brick road” to success as the characters in The Wizard of Oz. Like Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion, superstars don’t start out as exceptionally talented or beautiful people. Similarly, they often doubt whether they have the brains, heart and courage to succeed but this doesn’t stop them from pursuing their dreams. They persist no matter what happens along the way or how discouraged they become. In the end, like Dorothy and company, superstars triumph because they understand the steps that we need to take to succeed. They know how to achieve their goals and build a successful career and life.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road teaches you the nine-step roadmap that ordinary people have followed to become superstars. At each step of the way the book provides you with examples of the strategies and techniques that the superstars in the book used at that point in their careers to move to the next step. Unlike other books which only focus on one piece of the puzzle, the book provides you with all the pieces that you need to build your personal cycle of success. Its nine-step roadmap first shows you how to identify what makes you special, chart your course, navigate organizational roadblocks and build the types of relationships that you need to excel. It then teaches you how to manage your emotions, perform at your peak when it counts most, overcome failure, and generate the positive mental energy that sustains all superstars. By following the book’s roadmap, you can bring your inner superstar to life and achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.

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